Homestar Runner Strategy Guide/Quests/Stingers for Gavin

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To Start[edit | edit source]

Part One: Follow the Scorpions[edit | edit source]

  • You will notice that Gavin has been hiding in a hole lately. Marzipan hates roaches, but she thinks Gavin is scared. You should investigate! Go to Bubs' Concession Stand. Hide under Homsar's bolwer hat to hear Bubs say "Wow, I can't believe I bought this junk!" He will throw out a W-Buzzer! All right! Equip Homestar with it and go to Strong House. Go to the TV room to see tons of Pink Scorpions marching around. Try to use Athelete's Foot with Homestar, and he will shrink! Follow the scorpions until they exit into a hole. Drop down the hole.

Part Two: Mantis vs. Scorpion[edit | edit source]

  • You will land in a huge boat with lots of huge Pink Scorpions running around. Talk to the captain of the ship to find out that you are in a warship of the Scorpion Army. They are in need of help since the Mantis Army is sending the feared Mantis Pirates to attack this vessel! Gavin wanted to help because the Pink Scorpions were his friends, so he is in another boat holding them off until the Scorpions can regroup. They could use your help too, so they tell you to go below deck and climb into one of the small ships they are going to deploy in 10 minutes. Get below deck and chat with the mechanical-looking scorpion in the boat next to yours, which turns out to be Trunbirge, Gavin's friend. He will teach you how to pilot the boat, which will come in handy in the next section.

Part Three: The Mantis Meeting[edit | edit source]

  • Steer the boat left and right, jump with Confirm, avoiding the Mantis boats. You can launch a Bomb Claw with the Decline button, and use a Gavin Whistle with the Field Ability button to have Gavin heal you. You will have Trunbirge and two other Scorpion soldiers with you, and they will cover you, so make sure you don't get them killed! You can destroy ships that attack you with Bomb Claws, so you aren't completely defenseless. After a while, a mechanical mantis(a boss) will appear!
Mantis Pirate
HP: 500
Attacks: Hacksaw, Sword Rang, Spike Ram, Boomerang Arm, Bolt Flash
Strategy: You fight him while on the boat, so this battle is different. Dodge the Hacksaw by
away from the center of the screen and moving up or down when it splits into two. It is semi
homing, so
sharp turns are good, also. Sword Rang is pathetic, just jump over it or go to the back of the
to dodge it. Spike Ram is harder, you have to either destroy the spikes with repeated Bomb
Claws, or
time a jump just right. Boomerang Arm is a harder version of Sword Rang, but dodge it in the
same way, except he will always preform it twice on his turn. Bolt Flash is a last resort, and
there is no way to dodge it. Just use a Gavin
Whistle whenever you see his eyes glow.

Part Four: Getting out?[edit | edit source]

  • All of the ships will grab onto each other and do a suicide crash into the enemy ship! The Scorpion Ship is just behind you, though, so you will land back on the deck. The enemy's flagship was destroyed thanks to you, and the captain will give you the engine for the Star Ship and a repellent that you can turn on and off at will to make Pink Scorpions not attack you. To get out of the ship, just unequip the W-Buzzer. You will grow so large that you will break through the hole and create a huge hole in Strong Bad's house. Whoops. You may need to fix that.

Rewards[edit | edit source]