The Fish Was Delish Progrum/Hide Out at the Hideout

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OLD-TIMEY STRONG BAD: {as old-timey radio host} This week on The Fish Was Delish progrum, brought to you by Portly Washboy laundry paste,—

{Portly Washboy Fancy Laundry Paste logo appears}

OLD-TIMEY STRONG BAD: —we join The Fish down at the wharfs as he closes in on the Quite a Dish gang's hideout. Stay tuned for partial excitement.

{The Portly Washboy logo appears again. It depicts a boy and a heaping jar of paste with a spoon in it.}

VOICE-OVER: {singing} Portly Washboy: Don't eat it like the cartoon, man.

{Open on a shot of an old-timey radio. As the announcer talks, cartoon lightning bolts fly out of the speakers.}

ANNOUNCER: {voiceover} Listen up, short children!

{Cut to a title card for "Portly Washboy Fancy Laundry Paste Presents The Fish Was Delish Progrum", with The Portly Washboy dancing in the middle of the screen.}

ANNOUNCER: {voiceover} It's the Portly Washboy Fancy Laundry Paste Presents The Fish Was Delish Progrum!

{Iris wipe to a title shot of each character as the announcer introduces them.}

ANNOUNCER: {voiceover} Featuring The Fish!

AUDIENCE: {cheers}

ANNOUNCER: {voiceover} His sidekick, Side Kick!

AUDIENCE: {cheers}

ANNOUNCER: {voiceover} His best gal, Cutesy Buttons!

AUDIENCE: {gasps}

ANNOUNCER: {voiceover} Dapper thousandaire, Strong Bad!

AUDIENCE: {boos}

ANNOUNCER: {voiceover} And the Quite A Dish gang!


ANNOUNCER: {voiceover} Today's shenanigans: Hide Out at the Hideout!

{Title card for the toon features The Quite A Dish gang hiding, with the text "Hide Out at the Hideout" and "script by A. Chimendez".