
From Homestar Runner Fanstuff Wiki 2
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Userboxes are boxes with text that you put on your userpage that have information about you. To add userboxes to your userpage, use this method:

{{userbox|Your userbox here}}
{{userbox|Your other userbox here}}

You can make your own userboxes here and add them to the page, or you can suggest ideas at the talk page. To make userboxes for fanstuff, etc., go to Customized Userboxes.

Userboxes[edit | edit source]

Technical[edit | edit source]

Userbox Code
This user uses Windows.

This user uses Macintosh.

This user contributes using Google Chrome.

This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.

This user contributes using Internet Explorer.

This user contributes using Microsoft Edge.

This user contributes using Safari.

This user is on the Homestar Runner Wiki.

This user was on the first Fanstuff Wiki.

This user is also on YouTube.


User Info[edit | edit source]

Userbox Code
This user is a male.

This user is a female.

This user is under the age of 13.

This user is between the ages of 13 - 18.

This user is over the age of 19.

This user is an American.

{{userbox|united states}}
This user is British.

{{userbox|great britain}}
This user is a Canadian.

This user lives in Free Country, USA.

This user is a sysop.

This user is right handed.

This user is left handed.

This user is ambidextrous.


Favorite Characters[edit | edit source]

Userbox Code
This user's favorite character is Strong Bad.

{{userbox|fav strong bad}}
This user's favorite character is Homestar Runner.

{{userbox|fav homestar}}
This user's favorite character is Strong Mad.

{{userbox|fav strong mad}}
This user's favorite character is Strong Sad.

{{userbox|fav strong sad}}
This user's favorite character is Bubs.

{{userbox|fav bubs}}
This user's favorite character is Coach Z.

{{userbox|fav coach z}}
This user's favorite character is Homsar.

{{userbox|fav homsar}}
This user's favorite character is Marzipan.

{{userbox|fav marzipan}}
This user's favorite character is The Cheat.

{{userbox|fav cheat}}
This user's favorite character is Pom Pom.

{{userbox|fav pom pom}}
This user's favorite character is the King of Town.

{{userbox|fav kot}}
This user's favorite character is the Poopsmith.

{{userbox|fav poopsmith}}
This user's favorite character is Trogdor.

{{userbox|fav trogdor}}
This user's favorite character is The Homestar Runner.

{{userbox|fav the homestar runner}}
This user's favorite character is Stinkoman.

{{userbox|fav stinkoman}}
This user's favorite character is Senor Cardgage.

{{userbox|fav cardgage}}
This user's favorite character is Marshie.

{{userbox|fav marshie}}
This user's favorite character is Homeschool Winner.

{{userbox|fav homeschool}}
This user's favorite character is ONION BUBS!

{{userbox|fav ONION BUBS}}
This user's favorite character is insert character here.

{{userbox|fav other|insert character here|image=[[File:ExampleImage.png|60px]]}}
This user's least favorite character is insert character here.

{{userbox|least fav|insert character here|image=[[File:ExampleImage.png|60px]]}}

Chapman Userboxes[edit | edit source]

Userbox Code
This user's favourite Chapman is Matt.

This user's favourite Chapman is Mike.

This user's favourite Chapman is Missy.


Game Userboxes[edit | edit source]

Userbox Code
This user loves to play Stinkoman 20X6.

This user plays
Peasant's Quest.

This user loves to play TROGDOR!.

{{userbox|game trogdor}}
Этот пользователь
нашел яйцо.

This user plays Thy Dungeonman.

This user is faster than Kid Speedy.

This user has SBCG4AP on PC.

{{userbox|sbcg4ap pc}}
This user has SBCG4AP on Wii.

{{userbox|sbcg4ap wii}}
This user likes to play the old games.

{{userbox|game old}}
This user owns Trogdor!! The Board Game.

{{userbox|trogdor board game}}

Store Userboxes[edit | edit source]

Userbox Code
This user has a T-shirt from the store.

{{userbox|store tshirt}}
This user has a hoodie from the store.

{{userbox|store hoodie}}
This user has strongbad_email.exe Disc 1-6.

{{userbox|store emaildvd|insert number here}}
This user has
Everything Else Vol. 1-3.

{{userbox|store toondvd|insert number here}}
This user owns Strong Bad Sings and Other Type Hits.

{{userbox|store sbsings}}
This user bought all their
playsets and toys!

{{userbox|store figurines}}
This user bought a poster from the store.

{{userbox|store poster}}
This user bought a calendar from the store.

{{userbox|store calendar}}
This user owns a Kick The Cheat.

{{userbox|store kickcheat}}
This user owns the Strong Bad Talking Plush.

{{userbox|store talkin sb}}

Toon/Sbemail Userboxes[edit | edit source]

Userbox Code
This user's favorite toon is insert toon here.

{{userbox|fav toon|insert toon here}}
This user's favourite sbemail is insert sbemail here.

{{userbox|sbemail|insert sbemail here}}
This user's favourite Strong Bad computer is insert computer here.

{{userbox|computer|insert computer here}}
This user has been a fan of Homestar Runner since insert year here.

{{userbox|fan since|insert year here}}
This user watches toons on insert device here.

{{userbox|watch toons|insert device here}}
This user loves the Cheat Commandos.

This user loves Powered by The Cheat cartoons.

This user loves Old-Timey cartoons.

This user loves 20X6 cartoons.

This user loves Puppet Stuff.

This user loves Xeriouxly Forxe.


Fun Userboxes[edit | edit source]

Userbox Code
This user is a user.

Everybody loves this user. This user is a terrific athlete.

This user has all types of crazy crap!

{{userbox|crazy crap}}
This user uses wants to be the guy too!

{{userbox|guy too}}
This user is feeling insert feeling here.

{{userbox|feeling|insert feeling here}}
This user can animate using Flash.

This user can play the drum!

This user fights the law! And also fights the crime, but not as much.

This user works alone... except when they work with Renaldo, which is all the time.

This user is a private eye, a crooked cop, a secret agent, and a celebrity pharmacist.

This user has stolen all of Senor Muybueno's gold.

This user is about to get the jibblies!

This user can count to G!

This user can count to purple backwards!


{{userbox|a splode}}
This user is revamped for the nineties!

There was one time where this user had to hug a tree.

This user can see you from here!

This user's takin' this baby to the mooooon!

This user misses Original Bubs.

{{userbox|miss ob}}
This user can do it. This user can do it 12 times!

This user hates that fweakin' marshmallow.

This user is a song from the sixties.

This user has more than two prablems.

Oh, jeez. This user's just not cut out to say the word jaerb.

This user can type with boxing gloves on.

{{userbox|ing gloves}}
If this user had thumbs, they'd be stickin' 'em up their armpits right now!

This user has no life.

This user likes Limozeen.

This user likes sloshy.

This user likes Taranchula.

This user is a member of the Homestarmy.

This user is a Deletehead.

This user supports Pistols for Pandas.

This user likes to make their own userboxes.

{{userbox|make your own}}
This user has too many freakin' userboxes.

{{userbox|too many}}

Customization[edit | edit source]

Userbox Code
Everybody loves this user. This user is a terrific athlete.

This user is not a terrific athlete.

{{userbox|athlete|border= black|bkgd= white|round= 30|imgbkgd= yellow|img= NOPE|color= green|text= This user is not a terrific athlete.}}
Everybody loves this user. This user is a terrific athlete.

  • type — Sets the userbox's colors to the selected color type. This overrides all other color customizations.
  • border — The color of the border around the userbox.
  • bkgd — The color of the background in the main text part of the userbox.
  • round — The roundness of the userbox, set to 0 by default.
  • imgbkgd — The color of the background in the image part of the userbox.
  • img — The image or large text in the image part of the userbox.
  • color — The color of the main text.
  • text — The main text.

Feel free to use these features to make userboxes for your own fanstuff, which others can use to show their appreciation. For example:

Userbox Code
This user likes Homsar's Accountant's Blog.

{{userbox|border= black|bkgd= aqua|imgbkgd= blue|img= [[File:Homsar.png|30px]]|text= This user likes Homsar's Accountant's Blog.}}