HMO2/Space Stations

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Items[edit | edit source]

There is one space station for each starmy. Currently, the space stations have the following parts;
Homestarmy: Bridge, Cafeteria, Weapons room, Sick bay.
Strongstarmy: Bridge, Cafeteria, Weapons room, Sick bay.
You can add parts onto each space station. You can only go outside the space station in either a ship or some form of space suit. (Like Khaotic Koopa's shell, for example.)

Actions[edit | edit source]

Gfd puts on a spacesuit and goes outside and gets sucked into a black hole. Oops.

Piem'n finds super mega giga ultra missiles of death abord the space station. However, they explode randomly.

Khaotic Koopa pulls Gfd outta the black hole and back onto the Strongstarmy Space Station. He then promptly destroys the Sweet Cuppin Cakes planet.

Gfd destroys the Sweet Cuppin Cakes planet again, even though it doesn't exist anymore (because it was destroyed by Khaotic Koopa)

Piem'n destroys the Sweet Cuppin Cakes planet yet again for reasons above. He then destroys Planet K and Old-Timey Planet.